Welcome to the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas – Research Based Functional Wellness


leaky gut

It has been a hundred years since a Nobel Prize winner discovered the thin barrier that surrounds and protects brain. Since then, we’ve learned this mesh of tightly joined cells, called the blood-brain barrier, is highly selective in a healthy person. It allows the transport of compounds back and forth through an intricate transport system [...]

Do you have gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, IBS or maybe all of the above? Then you may have  SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Doctors have long blamed stubborn gut problems on stress. For the person whose life is dictated by the cruel whims of their digestive system, this can feel like shame and blame. [...]

If you’re like most people, you probably have a vague notion artificial food coloring is “bad.” You’ve also probably heard it makes some kids hyperactive. But did you know the science on artificial food dyes is so thorough and damning that they are banned in two European countries, require warning labels throughout the European Union [...]

We’re learning what a vital role good gut bacteria play in immune health, brain health, mood, and, of course, gut health. We also know that the best way to beef up your good gut bacteria is through eating lots of different kinds of vegetables and fruits every day. But researchers have discovered yet another way [...]

You can eat fermented foods every day and take all the probiotic supplements you want, but if you aren’t also feeding those intestinal bacteria what they want, you could be throwing your money away. That’s because to thrive and multiply, healthy gut bacteria need to eat. And what your gut bacteria like best is fiber. [...]

If you’re like most people, you over indulged during the holidays and now you’d like to reboot your health with a detox diet. The  autoimmune diet  calms inflammation, stimulates repair and recovery, and boosts energy while preventing hunger. It also helps tame autoimmunity and repair leaky gut. Remove foods that cause inflammation Many foods people eat daily [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Does stuff really leak out of your intestines when you have leaky gut? The truth is, contents of the small intestine escape through the wall into the bloodstream. This can trigger many different inflammatory disorders and autoimmune disease, a disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys body [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL If you've been googling how to manage your chronic health condition, chances are you're heard of leaky gut. Leaky gut is what it sounds like — the lining of the intestines have become "leaky," allowing undigested foods, bacteria, and other undesirables into the sterile bloodstream. This causes system-wide inflammation [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL One of the primary things we look for when someone has autoimmunity is leaky gut, a condition in which the intestinal wall is damaged, as it is usually a key factor. Autoimmunity is an extremely common disorder today in which the immune system attacks and destroys part of the [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Leaky gut conjures unpleasant imagery of intestinal contents spilling into the body. Unfortunately, that is pretty much what happens, and the results are a wide array of chronic health issues. When compounds from the intestines pass through a damaged gut wall into the sterile environment of the bloodstream, they [...]

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Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas
Holistic Wellness Center - charlotte hormone imbalance treatment