Welcome to the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas – Research Based Functional Wellness


Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a treatment option for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) that has gained popularity in recent years. CFS is a debilitating condition characterized by persistent fatigue, regardless of rest and sleep, as well as a range of symptoms such as muscle pain, headaches, and cognitive dysfunction. The exact cause of CFS is unknown, [...]

Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. Intravenous (IV) glutathione has been found to have numerous benefits for individuals with autoimmune conditions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five reasons why IV glutathione may be a valuable treatment option for individuals with autoimmune conditions. Supports the Immune [...]

IV NAD therapy, also known as intravenous nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide therapy, is a method of administering NAD, a coenzyme found in all living cells, directly into the bloodstream through an IV. NAD plays a crucial role in the body’s energy production, DNA repair, and other important biological functions. IV NAD therapy is used to increase [...]

It has been a hundred years since a Nobel Prize winner discovered the thin barrier that surrounds and protects brain. Since then, we’ve learned this mesh of tightly joined cells, called the blood-brain barrier, is highly selective in a healthy person. It allows the transport of compounds back and forth through an intricate transport system [...]

Do you always lose your keys, forget where the car is parked, or find words stick on the tip of your tongue? We associate these behaviors with aging, but losing your memory and brain function isn’t necessarily “normal” aging. Instead, it’s a sign of accelerated brain degeneration, or a brain that is atrophying too fast. [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Although we are conditioned to see depression as an antidepressant deficiency, the truth is people can have depression for many different reasons. It’s important to figure out the root cause of your depression — research shows letting it go unmanaged or simply masking it with drugs can speed brain [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL While popular brain training gadgets and apps have their place, don’t overlook an age-old strategy to optimize brain health: Walking. Humans are unique from the rest of the animal kingdom because of our ability to walk upright on two legs, a development that profoundly evolved our brains compared to [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL The bad news is rates of brain degenerative diseases — Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementias, ALS — are higher than ever and continuing to increase. The good news is most neurodegenerative diseases are largely preventable, but you have to start taking care of your brain well before it’s too late. Functional [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL A new investigation reveals the sugar industry successfully blamed fat for heart disease using skewed science, when sugar is the main culprit. This corporate deceit triggered more than 50 years of a nutritional “low-fat” policy that helped make Americans the fattest and most chronically ill population on the planet, [...]

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Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas
Holistic Wellness Center - charlotte hormone imbalance treatment