Welcome to the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas – Research Based Functional Wellness


Dementia & Alzheimer’s

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Aging gracefully is all about taking care of your mitochondria — the little energy factories in each cell. As we get older, their function can start to diminish, which plays a key role in aging of the body. However, new research has shown a little-known strategy to boost the longevity and [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Many people think they don’t need to go gluten-free because eating wheat doesn’t give them gut problems. However, the area of the body most often damaged by gluten isn’t the gut but the brain and nervous system. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, brain fog, memory loss, fatigue, or [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL When it comes to autoimmune disease and other chronic health conditions, taming inflammation is the name of the game. This can be difficult because the body creates vicious cycles where inflammation keeps feeding more inflammation. This makes halting the progression of autoimmune disease and chronic health issues difficult…but not [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL How does functional neurology differ from conventional neurology? Conventional neurology diagnoses neurological disorders that can be treated with pharmaceutical or surgery. Functional neurology, on the other hand, identifies a broader range of brain disorders and restores function through rehabilitation that either dampens or activates specific regions of the brain. [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL You may have noticed the term “functional medicine” becoming more popular. What is functional medicine and how is it different from regular medicine? Functional medicine addresses health disorders by looking at their root causes rather than masking symptoms with drugs or surgery. By looking at root causes, you improve [...]

With rates of dementia rising dramatically, you’re not alone in wondering how to avoid becoming another casualty. Although lowering the risk of dementia depends on dietary and lifestyle changes, one little known approach involves cultivating your garden. Not the garden in your yard, but the one in your gut. A team of Harvard-affiliated researchers discovered [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL It’s a common argument: “You don’t need to take supplements if you eat a good diet.” Although a good diet is foundational to good health, supplements play an instrumental role in various health conditions. People who don’t understand the value of supplements think they exist only to profit off [...]

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Aging can cause us to feel invisible and unwanted in a society that worships youth. However, the key to staying youthful into your latter years doesn’t lay in the hands of your hair stylist or medical spa, but instead in your attitude. Research shows internalizing negative stereotypes about  aging  harms your [...]

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Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas
Holistic Wellness Center - charlotte hormone imbalance treatment