CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Close to 26 million people have diabetes. When diabetes develops outside of childhood, does not have a rapid onset, and insulin production continues, it has been assumed a person has Type 2 diabetes. New research suggests that many individuals diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are actually suffering from Type [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL The numbers of people with dementia are expected to more than double in 30 years and outpace both heart disease and cancer in terms of cost. Because dementia can take root in the brain years or decades before symptoms appear, you can take action now to avoid becoming part of this [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Americans spend billions of dollars every year on supplements, therapies, and procedures in an attempt to slow the aging process. But did you know you can stay younger longer in just a few minutes a day? According to Dr. Datis Kharrazian in his book Why Isn’t My Brain Working?, reaching [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Feel tired all the time? You may suffer from adrenal fatigue, a condition in which the body has difficulty meeting the demands of everyday stress. Adrenal fatigue is often associated with too much stress from a busy lifestyle and lack of sleep, however other factors may lead to adrenal fatigue. Signs [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL While we eat well and exercise to prevent disease, studies show one of the best ways to stay healthy is to hang out with friends. Studies have linked socialization with better heart health, warding off depression, and preventing memory loss. In fact, research shows social isolation carries the same health risks as smoking, obesity, [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL We all carry trillions of bacteria in our guts, with as many as a thousand different strains. The composition of these strains, or our “bacterial fingerprint,” can influence whether we are prone to depression, anxiety, or obesity. Some gut bacteria can make you fat Studies have shown people (and [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you suffer from brain fog — that spacey, detached feeling like your head is in a fish bowl? Do you suffer from depression, or does your child have autism? Are you concerned about Alzheimer’s? These conditions are signs of possible brain inflammation, or a brain “on fire.” Although a [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL When it comes to Mother's Day, flowers and brunch are lovely, but what most women need is some time off and help around the house. Catching a break in these areas can go a long way to supporting their health. Most mothers seem to get the lion's share of [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Counting calories, avoiding fats, miniscule portions, living with hunger—dieting is a drag and the majority of people eventually gain back the pounds they fought so hard to lose. Newer research shows sloth and gluttony aren't necessarily to blame for excess weight, but instead inflammation, leaky gut, stress, and other [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, or other mysterious symptoms that make you miserable? But does your doctor say your lab tests are fine and you're perfectly healthy? It could be you have an autoimmune reaction and don't know it. People can develop an autoimmune reaction to virtually [...]
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The Dirty Dozen
August 19, 2024The “Dirty Dozen” is a list of fruits and vegetables, compiled by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), that you should always eat organically. These produce items are not only delicious and nutrient-rich but also tend to carry high levels of pesticide residues when grown conventionally. By opting for organic versions, you can significantly reduce your […]
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3-Day Detox Plan
August 19, 2024Here’s a 3-day detox meal plan tailored to be autoimmune-friendly and compliant with functional medicine principles. This plan emphasizes anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense foods while avoiding common triggers for autoimmune symptoms. Day 1 Breakfast: Green Smoothie Bowl Ingredients: Spinach, kale, cucumber, green apple, avocado, coconut milk, chia seeds. Why: Spinach and kale are rich in vitamins A, […]
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