Welcome to the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas – Research Based Functional Wellness

Tired Man At Table With Plate - charlotte hormone imbalance treatment

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you feel sleepy or have intense cravings for sugar after meals? Are you a woman whose hair is thinning, yet you're growing facial hair? Are you a man who cries at movies and has "moobs" (male breasts)? If so, you probably suffer from insulin resistance. Not only does [...]

Child At The Dentist - charlotte functional wellness

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL While childhood is full of surprises, some parents are unprepared for the staggering dental bills and persistent cavities children get, even when they brush and floss regularly. Parents know to restrict sugar, but what they may not realize is that a hidden gluten intolerance and poor gut health, not [...]

Autism - charlotte functional wellness

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL The rate of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased 78 percent in the last decade, with autism now affecting a staggering 1 in 88 children. While parents scramble for answers, researchers increasingly find a common denominator: inflammation affecting brain function. While some children withstand the assaults of modern life [...]

Blond Woman - charlotte hashimoto's disease treatment

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Talk to a group of women with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, and they'll likely all share the same frustrating story. Frequently dismissed, misdiagnosed, or ignored by doctors, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism is finally getting the recognition it deserves thanks to former Baywatch beauty and  Playboy cover girl Gena Nolin. Struggling with Hashimoto’s on the [...]

Woman In Bathroom - hormone imbalance treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Couples trying to conceive may want to add a gluten-free diet to their regimen. Research shows a clear link between celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and infertility in both women and men. Infertility affects about 10 percent of couples wanting to have children, or more than 6 million Americans. Several [...]

Person Sitting In Chair With Dunce Cap - hormone imbalance treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL A recently published UCLA study shows what many have suspected all along: Eating too much sugar makes you stupid. Scientists found that just six weeks of bingeing on sweets and soda will sabotage both learning and memory. Fortunately, consuming omega-3 fatty acids can counteract some of the damage. For [...]

Woman With Hand On Chin - hormone imbalance treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Failing to manage your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism condition could lead to future autoimmune diseases. A recent study revealed that roughly one in six patients with Hashimoto's has another autoimmune disease, most commonly: atrophic gastritis, a condition in which the lining of the stomach is constantly inflamed vitiligo celiac disease antiphospholipids [...]

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Autoimmune Disease Management with EBOO Therapy

Autoimmune diseases, characterized by the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues, present significant challenges in treatment and management. Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) therapy offers a promising adjunctive approach to managing autoimmune conditions. Functioning similarly to a dialysis machine, EBOO filters the blood to remove toxins and pathogens that may trigger autoimmune responses. […]
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Latest from the Blog

Detoxification and EBOO Therapy: Optimizing Cellular Health

Detoxification plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health in today’s toxin-laden environment. Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) therapy offers a sophisticated approach to detoxifying the bloodstream and enhancing overall well-being. Operating similarly to a blood filtration system, EBOO effectively removes toxins, pesticides, and chemicals that accumulate in the body, supporting the body’s natural […]
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Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas
Holistic Wellness Center - charlotte hormone imbalance treatment