Welcome to the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas – Research Based Functional Wellness

Man With Back Pain - inflammation treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and practice other healthy habits to manage your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, but sit long hours each day at work? If so, you could be undoing your good work. Sitting, even if you otherwise practice healthy habits, is associated with poor cardiovascular health, [...]

Worried Woman At Desk - hormone imbalance treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL It's a constant refrain: We're too stressed out. But how stressed out are we really? An adrenal saliva test can tell you whether your cortisol (the stress hormone) is too high or too low, whether your circadian rhythm (the sleep-wake cycle) is normal, and also pin point the cause [...]

Family On Green Grass - hormone imbalance treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you feel toxic chemicals are out to get you? Studies link many chronic health conditions, including Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, with toxic chemicals in our everyday environment. Man-made chemicals, pesticides, pollution, plastics, and heavy metals are a normal part of life for us all. Even radiation fallout from the Fukushima [...]

Woman With Allergies In Field - hormone imbalance treatment in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do beautiful spring days have you cooped up inside, sneezing and sniffing miserably? Did your allergies kick in or get worse after your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism condition developed? Before reaching for the antihistamines, consider the role your gut health plays in both allergy symptoms and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. As with Hashimoto’s [...]

Woman With Dog - weight loss programs in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL While the importance of play for children is well understood, many don't realize it's a necessary form of stress relief for adults, making it a useful tool in the management of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. One also could argue it's the most enjoyable part of a Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism protocolñ€”say compared to [...]

Words - charlotte functional wellness

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL You never know when those persistent Hashimoto’s hypothyroid symptoms might save your life. An autoimmune thyroid disease is a warning signal the body is out of balance. By managing your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism with nutritional and lifestyle interventions, you may prevent cancer as well. Carrying the genes for cancer doesn’t [...]

Person Sitting In Blue Room - weight loss programs in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Can't fall asleep? You may need to turn the lights off earlier. Studies show exposure to light after dusk, particularly light from computer screens, iPads, iPhones, televisions, and other electronic items, significantly inhibits the production of melatonin, your body's sleep hormone. For the person with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, this is [...]

Smiling Woman On Grass - weight loss programs in charlotte

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL For many people, a gluten-free diet erases Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism symptoms   like a magic wand. For others, it doesn’t make a dent, despite a proven gluten intolerance. What gives? A diet that also eliminates dairy, grains, and other foods may be necessary, along with nutritional compounds to restore gut health. [...]

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Latest from the Blog

Autoimmune Disease Management with EBOO Therapy

Autoimmune diseases, characterized by the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues, present significant challenges in treatment and management. Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) therapy offers a promising adjunctive approach to managing autoimmune conditions. Functioning similarly to a dialysis machine, EBOO filters the blood to remove toxins and pathogens that may trigger autoimmune responses. […]
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Latest from the Blog

Detoxification and EBOO Therapy: Optimizing Cellular Health

Detoxification plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health in today’s toxin-laden environment. Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) therapy offers a sophisticated approach to detoxifying the bloodstream and enhancing overall well-being. Operating similarly to a blood filtration system, EBOO effectively removes toxins, pesticides, and chemicals that accumulate in the body, supporting the body’s natural […]
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Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas
Holistic Wellness Center - charlotte hormone imbalance treatment